People can emerge with different perceptions of the same object because of three perceptual processes. List and briefly characterize these processes.

Perception refers to the activity of sensing, interpreting and appreciating both physical and social world and reacting appropriately to them. It is the knowledge of the stimulus (external world). Perception is regarded as sensation plus meaning. In other words, perception is the identification of sensation. The motivated person act is always influenced by his or her perception of the situation. Perception varies in every individual even if they are expected to the same reality. Advertising, social media, public relations, personal experience and other channels are the factors that affect consumer's actual behavior.

People can emerge with different perception of the same object because of three perceptual processes. 

They are:
Selective attention: Selective attention involves marketers to work hard so as to attract customer's notice. It focuses on specific stimulus rather than other. It is not possible to give attention to all the brand and advertisement everyday by the people which are available in the market. So, a marketer promotes their products with this selective attention processwhere a customer choose a specific ads or brands which could influence or which is related as per the demand and need or they anticipate or whose difference are large in relation to other.

Selective distortion: Selective distortion is the tendency to interpret information in a way that will fit our pre conceptions or it is an individual's changing of information when it is inconsistent with the previous brand or product beliefs. To be consistent with prior brand and product beliefs consumers will distort information. Selective distortion influence customer to think so it plays an important role in marketing. Even if there is a change in a product the loyal customers of the product will take that product in the same way as in the past. But if the brand name is changed then the people reaction to that brand will be different, this is the case of selective distortion.

Selective Retention: Selective retention is a third perceptual process which occurs when people fail to register much information to which they are exposed in memory but will tend to retain information that supports their attitudes and beliefs. People will remember only the good and positive thing about a product or which are related only to the daily life from among large number of the product available in the market.

Keller, Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane. (2006). Marketing Management (12 ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

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